M&A FIRM: your specialist for international transaction advice in corporate acquisitions, corporate sales and business succession for family-owned and medium-sized manufacturing companies, companies in plant construction and mechanical engineering, as well as their suppliers, such as trading companies and IT service providers serving these companies. We specialize in business succession, sales (including management buy-ins) and growth strategies through corporate acquisitions (buy & build strategies). Are you looking for a consultant who will look further than the numbers and who understands that your business is your life's work? Then you've come to the right place at M&A FIRM.


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M&A FIRM: how long do you want to go on?

Building a business takes time, a lot of time, necessary energy and enough patience. And every entrepreneur sometimes asks himself or herself, "How long do I want to do this?" Maybe you feel it's time to make room for other things; more time for your hobbies, more time for your family, your own health. Maybe you have new business ideas you want to implement. There are plenty of reasons to think about.

Whatever your reason: you've come to the right place: M&A FIRM. We don't work for you , we work with you together to achieve the best result for you and everyone else involved. We will not let your future depend on an Excel list, but achieve success through a comprehensive view of all aspects ofyour company and of course you, the entrepreneur. We believe that negotiation is a joint project and should be done with kindness and mutual respect. 

You'll soon find that M&A FIRM's approach means that a great deal of time and energy is invested by us in getting to the bottom of your company's lifelines. We want to capture the intrinsic value, the DNA of your business. We want to hear your story and get to know your dreams and ambitions. That's how we're going to find the best way out of the business together.


Studies in the field of mergers & acquisitions prove it time and again: more than 70% of all corporate acquisitions fail in the short, medium or long term. The transactions are carried out too quickly, are insufficiently thought through and poorly prepared. The main reason? Selling a business is not only about numbers and euros, but also about the future of the company and the people who work there. Poor preparation and poor communication can cause the company's most important assets, namely its employees, to become less engaged and motivated. This often leads to the long-term deterioration of a newly acquired investment.

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What should you look out for in business acquisition?

You're selling your business because you're retiring. Because you want to do other things. Because you spent a lot of time building it up but now don't want to be the one looking after the place. You name it: plenty of reasons to stop with your business. And also plenty of things to watch out for and consider. It makes sense to hire an acquisition advisor in time, like M&A FIRM. Our big advantage? Unlike many other merger and acquisition advisors, we have a multidisciplinary approach which allows us to offer all the necessary advisory services in one hand. We will guide you through all the steps involved in a business acquisition, one step at the time.

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We'll keep you updated here on all relevant developments in the M&A field.

ESG: the key to strong corporate reputation and customer loyalty

In today's business climate, a strong focus on ESG factors is important for building a solid corporate reputation and strengthening customer loyalty. How? You can read about that in this article

Sharpen your sustainability strategy with a custom ESG scan

Get started with sustainability and corporate social responsibility without extra stress or major time commitment, with our customized ESG scan. Want to know more? Read on

Selling or acquiring a business in the age of sustainability

Are you looking to acquire a business, or sell your business? Then you can't ignore sustainability factors anymore. In this article, we take a closer look at them.

ESG and the impact on enterprise value

That ESG factors play a big role in business is obvious. But these factors can also have a big impact on business value. You can read how in this article

The role of ESG and sustainability in corporate acquisitions

ESG is playing an increasingly important role in our current society. We also notice this in corporate acquisitions. How? You can read that in this article

Business acquisition: what to look out for?

Buying or selling a business successfully and sustainably requires a great deal of expertise and sensitivity and should not be taken lightly. In this article, we review the various aspects.


Many business acquisitions fail due to a lack of strategy and poor communication. Our approach aims to prevent this by focusing advice on the three phases: PREPARE MERGE INTEGRATE. We take you by the hand throughout this process.


M&A FIRM's approach. Together for the best result for you.

M&A FIRM is at your service

Do you have questions? Could you use some advice? Feel free to contact us, we are happy to help you

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