07 Mar
What is involved in selling business? Webinar - Online
12: 30 - 13:30

What is involved in selling business?

The first webinar in a series focused on selling a business. As a business owner, you may have several reasons for considering a business sale. Whatever your reason, the moment you ask yourself this question, the sales process has actually begun. Therefore, the central theme of this webinar is: what is involved in selling a business? We'll give you a general overview to get a first feel for the topic.

** Would you like to receive the presentation from this webinar? Send an email to success@mandafirm.international, mention "presentation March 7" in the subject line and we will send the presentation.

What is involved in selling business? 12: 30 - 13:30 Online

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12 Apr
How do I prepare for a sale? Webinar - Online
12: 30 - 13:30

Selling a business is a thorough process that you don't just step into. On April 12, we are hosting the webinar "How to Prepare for a Sale," the second in a series of talks on selling a business. In this webinar, you'll get tips and suggestions on how to prepare your business .. .
