Sharpen your sustainability strategy with a custom ESG scan

Attention to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors is growing worldwide in today's business climate. Large companies, small and medium-sized business owners; increasingly, they are being judged on their sustainability, social responsibility and good governance efforts. A good thing, but it costs you as an entrepreneur extra time and effort to get this done. At M&A/FIRM, we understand this challenge and offer a solution specifically tailored to companies like yours: a customized ESG Scan, specifically for your company. Get started with sustainability and corporate social responsibility without extra stress or major time commitment.

Why choose an ESG scan?

The sustainable handling of raw materials and ethical business practices with respect for people and animals within one's own supply chain are becoming increasingly important. There is already a lot of legislation and even more (European and national) legislation in the making. From a certain size onward, companies must also report on their ESG performance,. This reporting, if done properly, offers valuable insights to investors, stakeholders and customers about a company's commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. These reports help assess potential environmental, social responsibility and good governance risks and opportunities within an organization. In addition, they help improve a company's reputation and increase its attractiveness to potential investors. With our customized ESG scan, you will know exactly where you stand and what steps you are taking and have yet to take to improve your ESG performance.

Fast, reliable and understandable: M&A/FIRM's ESG scan

Companies want ESG reports that are fast and reliable, without compromising on quality. We understand this like no other. Our experienced professionals ensure that your ESG scan and report are prepared quickly and accurately, with attention to the specific needs of your company and the requirements of (international) legislation within your supply chain up to the end customers. In addition, we strive for comprehensibility: what good is a report if you don't understand what it says? Then it becomes just another paper tiger that is viewed once and then gathering dust in a closet for years. Our reports are accessible to all stakeholders, including your own staff, customers and investors, and provide clear insights into your sustainability performance and goals. This not only increases your company's attractiveness as a supplier, but also makes you interesting to potential investors and buyers of your company.

Stay up-to-date

We can't stress it enough: make sure you are and stay abreast of constantly changing ESG legislation and trends in the market. This is the only way to stay compliant and avoid surprises. At M&A/FIRM, we are always on top of the latest developments in this area. We provide you with up-to-date and relevant information so that you always have an edge in the modern business world.


ESG scans and ESG reports are critical for companies looking to thrive in an ever-changing business landscape. With our customized ESG scan and report, you meet the requirements of sustainability and corporate social responsibility. And in doing so, you also comply with (international) legislation such as the German Lieferkettengesetz, for example.

Learn more

Contact Nicola Fletcher Lord, (E: T: 31611369089) to learn more about how we can help you with your ESG scan and reporting needs.
